The Light House

Reconfiguration des espaces d'un immeuble de bureaux à Nanterre

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We are the subsidiary of Dragon Rouge agency, specialised in architectural project management and retail stores deployment. We implement the creative work of the agency as well as other architectural and design agencies’ projects.


Project Management

DESIGN When it comes to achitectural and execution project management, we think that each site is unique in its complexity and its importance.

GUARANTEE We make the most of our expertise as project manager to design, renovate and organize and we handle the specifics of each project : commercial spaces (retail stores, flagships, retail parks) and services areas (restaurants, hotels).

GUIDE From the feasibility studies to the works management, we rationalise our clients' projects by applying methods specific to the construction industry's best practices in project management.

ACCEPTANCE OF WORK We lean on our knowledge of constraints related to retail space management so we can meet the highly technical requirements of these projects.


PLANNING We master the rollouts of architectural concepts in retail stores network, or commercial and hospitality spaces. This activity is characterised by strong management and organisational skills, allowing us to run flawlessly multiple parallel projects.

CONTROL The use of robust planning methods and specific coordination processes are essential in order to consistently respect deadlines and budgets.

MANAGE THE EXCEPTION Handling projects with multiple site executions, is first about ensuring conceptual compliance on every site and verifying the consistency of the network. From the launch of the Request For Proposals to the signature of the works contract, our purchasing expertise allows us to select right partners with the best suited costs.

FINALISE For each construction site, a well-established contract : we want to protect our clients with a high-quality legal control.

Assistant to the Contracting Authority

PROGRAMMING AND GUIDING Our expertise in project management, planning and purchasing allows us to assist the contracting authority during its entire construction project or building restoration.

FOLLOWING ACTIONS We assist our clients to take possession of shells, sole buildings, activity spaces and retail areas developments and we advise them on every step of the project in an open manner.

CONTROLLING DEADLINES AND BUDGET We know how to explain and defend a concept in front of project partners.

ASSISTING WORK ACCEPTANCE A creative world surrounds us : we collaborate with the creative team of Dragon Rouge Retail department. Those resources are useful to us for defining needs, following studies, assessing the technical viability of projects and making sure executions are in compliance with concepts.


Bouygues Telecom
Groupe Casino
Credit Agricole
Lagargere Travel Retail
Yves Rocher


DR Works
8 rue Fourcroy
75017 Paris

T +33 1 46 97 50 00